Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)
The governors actively promote an inclusive education policy for pupils with special educational needs. They seek to offer equal opportunities for all pupils and aim to develop pupils’ potential and promote independent learning.
The school follows both the Manchester Staged Procedures and the Code of Practice, for the assessment evaluation and provision of pupils needs. The school SEND list is reviewed and up-dated regularly. Provision is based, where possible, upon pupil needs, and is defined in the school SEND policy (available in the policies area and printed copies are available from the school). The governors seek to promote the involvement of parents at all stages, and seek to develop close liaison and co-operation with all outside agencies.
If you are applying for a place at St Matthew’s and your child does not have an EHCP (Education and Health Care plan), please apply for a place via the common transfer form that is available from the LEA. This applies if your child is going through an SEN statutory assessment, but doesn’t have an EHCP or if your child’s school has an Individual Pupil Resource Agreement in place. If your child is going into year 7, their primary school will explain your child’s needs to us, during the transition process.
If your child has an Education and Health Care plan and is leaving primary school, your local education authority will write asking for your preference, they will then consult with us as to whether we can meet your child’s needs. We will then ask you and your child to visit school before we make a response. The local authority will then write to say which school has a place for your child.
For more information about admissions for children with special education needs please see the Manchester City Council ‘MCC-School places for children with special educational needs’ link on this page.
Details of the support that St Matthew’s can offer for pupils with Special Educational Needs and disabilities are outlined in our SEND Policy and Accessibility Plan or alternatively please contact school and ask to speak to our SENCO. Details of the ‘Local Offer’ by Manchester Local Authority for children and young people with SEND and disabilities can be found by using the link on this page.
SEND Policy and Documents
We are proud to be a key partner in the Autism in Schools project. Working with MCC, the Manchester Parent Carer Forum, CAMHS and the Social Communication Pathway, has been an essential part of our work in supporting neuro-divergent students.
If you want to know more, please click the link to the SCP Pathway padlet below.
Together with parents, we can refer children to this pathway for Autism assessments at the Social Communication Pathway Autism Assessment - Royal Manchester Children's Hospital (mft.nhs.uk)
Work is ongoing at the pathway, to ensure that support is available to families whilst their child is on the waiting lists. More details to follow in the new academic year.

Some interesting support and updates can be found on the IPSEA website about the DFE Green Paper and how you can respond to the Government proposals
The Manchester Parent Carer Forum link below is usful for Parents and Carers of Children and Young People with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Aged 0-25 in Manchester
Parents/carers are essential stakeholders in any effective provision. We are keen to work closely with our pupils and families, to enable a co-productive relationship. You know your child/children the best and we will always involve you in our decision making.
We want to listen to your concerns and seek your views about how best to support your child's development.
- Parents/carers boost reading ages
- Parents/carers are advocates for change
- Parents/carers spread positivity
The SEND Code of Practice (2015) tells us that identification should be early, should affect provision and should use external professionals where needed. Assessment should be broad, incorporating the following:
- Teacher(s) assessment and experience of the pupil.
- Previous progress and attainment, in comparison to peers and national data.
- Current in-school progress, attainment and behaviour data.
- The views of parents and pupils.
- External advice, where relevant.
All teachers are teachers of pupils with SEN and setting high expectations for all pupils, including those with SEN, is one of the most important things that teachers can do to ensure good academic progress.
The Equality Act (2010) requires schools to make 'reasonable adjustments' for pupils with SEN and disabilities and there are many 'reasonable adjustments' that our teachers make in their classrooms, to promote inclusive practice here at SMRCHS.
Furthermore, The SEN Code of Practice (2015) highlights the importance of early intervention where a pupil is identified as 'underachieving'. Where appropriate, interventions are carefully planned to support our pupils in reaching their full potential - to be the best version of themselves.
In the first instance, please contact your child's form tutor and/or class teacher to share your concerns. Form tutors/teachers will then seek advice and/or assessments from the SENDCo/HIVE team. Verbal and/or written feedback will be given to you and where appropriate, further action will be agreed with you.
If you wish to contact the AHT/SENDCo about urgent matters, please email r.walsh@smrchs.com
Y6 to Y7:
We visit feeder primary schools from Y5 onwards, to support a smooth transition to high school. We work with primary colleagues to identify types of support needed and offer enhanced transition visits for pupils and their families.
Manchester Parent Carer Forum are holding transition workshops for parents of children with SEND needs.
Y11 to post-16:
We work closely with post-16 colleagues, whether that be sixth form colleges or apprenticeships. Our careers advisors support pupils who need enhanced transition to their place of study/work.
At St. Matthew's, we are committed to supporting the emotional well-being of our pupils:
- PSHE sessions are dedicated to the topics of mental well-being, with advice about who/where pupils can turn to when they need support.
- We have a dedicated team of specially trained professionals who offer 1:1 and/or group sessions to pupils who are experiencing difficulty.
- In addition, via the Healthy Schools initiative, we have our own Thrive in Education mental health nurse, who offers weekly CBT based strategies for pupils on a 1:1 basis. This year, we have also been proud to offer Anxiety workshops, led by the Thrive team.
- Furthermore, we can refer families to M-Thrive where they can access community based support.
- Referrals to CAMHS - we can request support for pupils experiencing significant mental health difficulties and assessment for ADHD/Autism (please be mindful of protracted waiting times).
- Contact details for additional outside services are available on our digital platforms and upon request. All referrals for SEMH support are discussed with parents/carers.
We support our families in many ways and can also signpost to other services:
We consult with the following external services:
- Educational Psychology
- School Health
- Speech & Language Therapy
- M-Thrive
- Thrive in Education
- Early Help
- Children's Services